Genre "memories" in Russian and Chinese: linguistic and ethno-cultural aspect

  • Pilyugina N.Yu.

    Nataliya Yu. Pilyugina. Vladivostok State University. Vladivostok. Russia

  • Lin Xiangen

    Lin Xiangen. Vladivostok State University. Vladivostok. Russia


Abstract. The article focuses on the linguistic and ethno-cultural specificities of the genre "memories" in Russian and Chinese. The relevance of the research problem correlates with the growing interest in the subjective factor in the interpretation of the reality and language phenomena description. The genre "memories" is the type of narrative, "mnemonic" genres, which structural and content features are fully de-
termined by the author's worldview, his values and national and cultural characteristics. The content-structural components of the genre "remembrance" description allows to identify the national specifics of the described events, in a comparative aspect it promotes mutual understanding and cultural interaction. Based on the methodology of contextual-semantic and interpretative analysis, the article describes the main Russian and Chinese text features, identifies language tools of the genre: accuracy, subjectivity, temporalspatial relatedness. The Russian text draws special attention to the regional specifics description: the memoirs of E.S. Burachek give an expanded idea of the Russians’ life in the Russian Far East at the end of the XIX century, which is an important part of the national linguistic portrait in the conditions of the Russian
image formation. The main linguistic means of ensuring the Russian and Chinese text preciseness are the use of toponyms, anthroponyms, the grammatical specificity of the time expression plans. Russian and Chinese languages have a specific linguistic embodiment of the genre "memories" in their different attitudes to time and the principle of documenting events by Russian and Chinese authors, which is explained by different life goals and the peculiarity of the Russian and Chinese mentality. In the Russian text, the author acts as a researcher who documents the events of his life in the context of the development new state territory history, emotionality is not characteristic of the text. The Chinese author focuses on describing the formation of an individual's personality under the influence of events, meetings and experiences.
Keywords: genre, memory, text, language features, ethnocultural specificity, preciseness, author, emotionality, time category.